Tuesday, October 9, 2007

If You get a hamster you will need to buy a cage! Here are some good ideas of cages :

This one is a good one if u have alot of hamsters and you are planning for them to get babies. It is not really nessesary to buy if u only have 5 hamsters or less.

This one is a good idea if u have 1 hamster and dont want to buy more. It takes a really short time to change it so its good ifu have hamster.

This hamster cage is for 3 hamsters maximum and its is a girly one. It is a good hamster cage.

Ill post more later!
Hope this helped!


Anonymous said...

All those cages are awful! You wouldnt put a pregnant hamster in a cage like that. And the second is way too small!
Also you cant feed them any fruit or veg! they cant eat citrus fruit or tomatos and they can eat chicken/turkey/beef.
Sorry but do some research before you try to advise others :\

Anonymous said...

Also, you can't have more than one hamster in a cage unless they are DWARFS, your hamsters are SYRIANS so they should NOT be sharing a cage!